Options for Every Stage of Development
For over 20 years, the developers at Headius Enterprises have supported JRuby and Java users and built industry-leading technologies to scale Ruby and Rails better than ever.
Our JRuby Support products provide right-sized service for your development team, helping you get started with a new JRuby application, transitioning an existing application to JRuby, or subscribing to our Enterprise-grade support for your existing deployments. |
Services Available from Headius Enterprises
Email SupportHave a direct line to core JRuby developers if questions or problems arise during development. Develop and deploy confidently knowing that Headius has your back.
Chat SupportExtend your direct line to core JRuby developers to text, video and audio chat. Get your questions answered in the medium that works best for you and your team.
Priority Bug-FixingOur core developers - along with the larger development community - are always working to improve and advance JRuby. With Priority Bug-Fixing as part of your support package, your issues will be first in line to get attention from our core developers.
Debugging and Profiling AssistanceWhen you run into tricky bugs or performance bottlenecks, you'll be able to call on core JRuby developers for assistance. With twenty years of experience and expert skills, we'll make sure your application behaves and performs as well as JRuby can run it!
Consulting ServicesFor more hands-on assistance, you can hire developers from Headius that will deliver fast results for your application.
When you need an expert virtual team member for your application development, you can be confident in JRuby Support from Headius