What's Included
- Email Support Get a direct line to core JRuby developers if questions or problems arise during development. Develop and deploy confidently knowing that Headius has your back.
- Pre-release Notifications Nobody likes a surprise update, especially if it contains key bug fixes or security patches. As a JRuby Enterprise Support customer, you'll get advance notice of upcoming releases, complete with fixed issues and features to be aware of.
- Live Support Ask your questions to our core JRuby developers in the way that works best for you! Chat via text, video or audio. Choose the right number of chat hours per month to fit your application.
- Priority Bug Fixes Do you run into bugs that affect performance on a regular basis? Each month, make sure your bugs are in front of our core JRuby developers.
- Debugging and Profiling Assistance When you run into performance bottlenecks, you'll be able to call on core JRuby developers for assistance. Use us as your "virtual team member" with over twenty years of unparalleled experience!
- Consulting Services Need even more hands-on assistance? With an Enterprise subscription, you'll receive discounted consulting services direct from our developers.
Enterprise Support Services are customized to your application and needs!
Contact us to set up a complimentary needs analysis and estimate for your situation.
Contact us to set up a complimentary needs analysis and estimate for your situation.
The Fine Print
- Enterprise Support is a custom support service. Cost of services may be determined by developer hours, CPU units. or other necessary resources.
- Subscriptions requiring the use of an NDA will incur an NDA Servicing Fee.